Plunderer (Official)Chapter 82.5
Action Comedy Drama Ecchi

In the world of Alcia' where rank is determined by "counts" a young girl named Hina scours the land for the fabled Ace-the legendary hero of the Waste War. With only the last words of her missing mother to guide her search' she wanders from town to town until she meets Licht' a clownish masked vagrant with a count of --999. Girl-crazy and unpredictable' he's the exact opposite of a hero...or at least' that's how he appears...

Gou-Dere Sora Nagihara (Official)Chapter 23
Comedy Ecchi Romance Supernatural

2-D art of death, secret technique!! Sora Nagihara, the girl of Shouta Yamakawa's dreams, is sweet, demure, and downright cute. The only problem is that she's two-dimensional...literally. But when Sora miraculously comes to life from the pages of Shouta's manga, he can't believe his luck. That is, until he realizes that "sweet" and "demure" are the last words anyone would pick to describe this brazen, brutal babe!